Community Food Access Coalition summer potluck at Flanner Farms!

Tuesday, June 25
6:00 – 8:00 pm
Flanner Farms
(2424 Dr. MLK Jr. St.).

The newly-formed Community Food Access Coalition invites the community to their summer potluck

Bring a dish to share, with vegetarian options encouraged, and connect with others who are passionate about fighting against food apartheid in our community. This event is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the new Food Coalition and engage in meaningful conversations about improving our local food system.

About the Community Food Access Coalition (CFAC)

The Community Food Access Coalition (CFAC) was established by the Indianapolis City-County Council with the passing of Ordinance 337 in 2021. CFAC is an “independent, community-driven body composed of diverse residents, business owners, farmers, educators, community organizations, and other stakeholders committed to improving the Indianapolis food system.” Despite initial challenges in organizing, community members, under the interim leadership of Sierra Nuckols, have been actively working to build this coalition to address food insecurity, promote equitable access to healthy food, and support local food economy and infrastructure. CFAC stands in solidarity with underrepresented communities, striving for a collective vision of a food system that ensures high-quality, affordable, and nutritious food for all.
