VIDEO: Community leaders denounce Prop. 182, demand defunding of racist IMPD!

On June 9, community organizers from PSL Indianapolis, Indy10 Black Lives Matter, Queering Indy, Indy SURJ, and others addressed the Public “Safety” and Criminal “Justice” Committee to speak out against Prop. 182, which would would give $3.3 million more in funding to the killer cops of the IMPD as well as the new jail.

Nearly 17 pages of comments were submitted online and read aloud. Many said the money for mental health and domestic violence reduction should not be tied to funding for police. Despite the overwhelming opposition, the Democratic-majority Committee passed the proposition unanimously.

Unfortunately yet unsurprisingly, the proposal was approved by the committee and will make its way to the full City-County Council. The hearing will likely be in July, and we need to be mobilizing and organizing to defeat this reactionary bill.

Prop. 182 goes directly against the demands of the people of this city. Last year, tens of thousands of people took to the streets in militant and spontaneous protests, raising the slogans “Defund IMPD!,” “Jail Killer Cops!” and “Justice for Dreasjon Reed, McHale Rose, and All Victims of Racist Police Terror!” Yet instead of meeting our demands, the local government is doing the exact opposite!

Read the WHTR report here and stay tuned for action alerts! Please watch and share these important testimonies to ensure they reach beyond the hollowed halls of the city government!

PSL member Riley Bove

Indy10 Black Lives Matter organizer Jess Louise

Queering Indy organizer Matty Louise

Indy SURJ leader Katie Jane:

ANSWER Indiana co-coordinator Noah Leininger:

Wildstyle Paschall:
