FOCUS Families Initiative

FOCUS Families Initiative is a project of IDOC Watch that has been years in the making. Founded by Queene Lewis, FOCUS Families provides a direct support system for those with loved ones on the inside.

FOCUS Families helps us navigate the myriad, arbitrary, and punitive obstacles the Indiana Department of “Corrections,” and the mass incarceration system overall. These obstacles are used in an attempt to isolate, demoralize, and dehumanize our people. FOCUS Families has support groups, financial aid and technical support, educational programs, and more. Like their parent organization, FOCUS Initiatives LTD, the goal is more than helping individuals one at a time; it is to eliminate the underlying causes of mass incarceration in the U.S.

FOCUS: Forever On Course United in Solidarity!

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Join their Facebook group or fill out the form below if you have a loved one incarcerated in Indiana and/or want to get involved!

