Petition: Demand a public hearing on lost confidence in four IndyPL Board members
We must act now and call for a vote of no confidence in Tribble, Biederman, White, and Palacio who refuse to represent the will of the people!
We must act now and call for a vote of no confidence in Tribble, Biederman, White, and Palacio who refuse to represent the will of the people!
Demand the removal of IMPD from our libraries, Hayes’ appointment, and Tribble’s resignation!
Learn about and collectively discuss the past, present, and future of the struggle for a truly public library!
IMPD’s recent acts of brutality show why they resist granting even the slightest concessions to the people they allegedly “protect.”
Dr. White doesn’t care if we trust him, reminding the community that we are all we have!
Everyone who wants to see our library flourish should show up, invite others, and show your support for Hayes!
This session examines how a socialist government will stop climate change and how it will open up possibilities by eliminating debt!
It’s crucial that we pack the City-County Council to ensure they represent their constituents who demand Hayes as CEO!
All out for Monday’s Board Meeting as the struggle to Install Hayes as CEO continues!