Screening of “The Pendleton 2: They Stood Up”

Thursday, Aug. 17
6:45 pm
Indianapolis Central Library
40 E. St. Clair St.

The Indianapolis Liberation Center encourages all of our supporters and followers to attend and promote the screening of this documentary and the struggle to free the Pendleton 2

This month, the Indianapolis community can watch a free screening of the must-see documentary, “The Pendleton 2: They Stood Up.” Organized by the The Defense Committee to Free the Pendleton 2 and IDOC Watch, the Black August commemoration screening will take place at the Center for Black Literature and Culture at the Indianapolis Public Library.

The Pendleton 2 names political prisoners, John “Balagoon” Cole and Christopher “Naeem” Trotter who were sentenced to 84 and 142 years in prison for saving a man’s life from a KKK-affiliated gang of prison guards. While the Sons of the Light, the racist and violent group responsible for the events of that day walk free, both Cole and Trotter remain behind bars and face serious medical issues as a result of medical neglect.

You can learn more about the struggle to free the Pendleton 2 at various places, including their defense group’s website (which has a section titled “their story“), a Liberation Center article from earlier this year based on an interview with THEKINGTRILL (an IDOC Watch Field Organizer and documentary filmmaker), and an episode of Black Agenda Report Radio.
