Sustain the movement

Thank you for being part of the movement for liberation! As a vital hub for service, education, and political empowerment in Indy’s poor and working-class neighborhoods, our Center relies exclusively on the donations of community members like you. Make a one-time donation or sign up for our Sustainers program and choose an amount to contribute annually or monthly. Because Sustainers provide a reliable source of funding, they let us plan further into the future.

Without access to funding from establishment political parties, billionaire developers, or corporate foundations, the Liberation Center has thrived on small donations from members, volunteers, and our local community. We have already accomplished so much together.

How will we use your contribution?

You’ve seen us in action. Whether you’ve been by our new office, seen us leading protests, or conducting outreach and other programming, you know we walk the walk. The systems of oppression we want to overthrow aren’t going to fund us, and it takes time and finances to organize. All of our work, from maintaining our new Center to financing Hope Packages, making placards and flyers for events and actions, maintaining our websites and emails, subsidizing groups to use the Center, maintaining our printers and office supplies, sound systems, and more, takes money. Like our politics, we can only fund our work collectively.

Your donation will sustain the ongoing work of the Indianapolis Liberation Center, including our political education programming and direct action events, outreach, and serve the people programs like supplies drives, Hope Packages, and community celebrations. It will allow us to continue providing meeting space for community organizations, producing literature and materials for the movement, and maintaining our website and our online newspaper, the Indianapolis Liberator.

Our highly committed community-based volunteers work tirelessly to identify and provide crucial services while building relationships with community leaders, neighborhood organizations, and mutual aid groups.

By fostering strong networks of solidarity and care in our communities, we aim to activate the political potential of poor and working class people as a new basis for winning progressive politics in Indianapolis and beyond.

What will your contribution provide to you?

Everyone who donates to the Center in any way does so to advance our collective interests rather than our individual interests, we keep donors informed about the work their contributions make possible. We send monthly or bi-monthly newsletters that highlight our most recent achievements, victories, and projects, as well as our evolving needs. For financial supporters who are unable to attend events or regularly participate in the movement, you’re invited to the Center for a special meal with organizers and volunteers to experience just how impactful your contributions are.

Will my donation be tax-deductible?

The Indianapolis Liberation Center is a registered 501(c)4 public welfare organization. Donations to the Center are not tax-deductible.
