Struggling against war and racism: ANSWER Indiana public meeting
On Dec. 21, learn about ANSWER Indiana and how you can become a member, volunteer, or supporter!
On Dec. 21, learn about ANSWER Indiana and how you can become a member, volunteer, or supporter!
Learn about one weapon the U.S. uses to suppress the right to dissent.
Holocaust survivor Hajo Meyer outlines his solidarity with the Palestinian resistance struggle.
Join MESA IUPUI’s protest this Saturday!
The 119th anniversary of Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine gives anti-war organizers a chance to reflect on its ongoing legacy.
It was only 20 years ago that Palestine became highlighted in the U.S. anti-war movement.
Shut it down for Palestine this Friday, November 27 at 3:00 pm with the Indianapolis Coalition for Palestine at Hamilton Town Center.
Add your name or group to this statement, jointly written by over 20 student organizations at IU Indianapolis and surrounding schools!
Join students, faith leaders, and other workers to demand an end to the U.S.-backed Israeli genocide!