Hoosiers defend free speech from pro-Israeli HB 1002
Watch as one of many Hoosiers speak against HB 1002, which conflates criticism of Israel with antisemitism.
Watch as one of many Hoosiers speak against HB 1002, which conflates criticism of Israel with antisemitism.
In this webinar, find out what you can do to support the people of Palestine and, in particular, Gaza in their struggle for health.
The first words an official Palestinian representative addressed to an enthusiastic General Assembly in 1974.
Center organizers speak about how the global movement is threatening the most powerful militaries and states, drawing parallels between the South African anti-apartheid struggle.
Holocaust survivor Hajo Meyer outlines his solidarity with the Palestinian resistance struggle.
Join MESA IUPUI’s protest this Saturday!
We are only able to accomplish so much because of the community’s support.
Add your name or group to this statement, jointly written by over 20 student organizations at IU Indianapolis and surrounding schools!
Join students, faith leaders, and other workers to demand an end to the U.S.-backed Israeli genocide!