As community demands Council remove failed IndyPL Board members, sheriffs forcibly remove them from public meeting
Vop “Voice of the People” Osili orders public out of the room for using their own voices at Monday’s full council meeting
Vop “Voice of the People” Osili orders public out of the room for using their own voices at Monday’s full council meeting
Join the AFSCME Local 3395 and the Indy Liberation Center at six pm this Monday for a rally at Lugar Plaza!
The IndyPL Board of Trustees called a special meeting to finalize Greg Hill’s contract for the position of permanent CEO.
We must act now and call for a vote of no confidence in Tribble, Biederman, White, and Palacio who refuse to represent the will of the people!
Watch community members deliver a petition with over 1,800 signatures denouncing the Indianapolis Public Library Board of Trustees.
Current interim CEO Hayes, who rose through IndyPL’s ranks, emerged as the clear and only choice for CEO.
After a summer-long struggle to remove racist CEO Jackie Nytes from her leadership over our library, the library workers union–AFSCME Local 3395–and the Indianapolis Liberation…
Jackie Nytes, CEO of the Indianapolis Public Library, announced that she was resigning August 20 in an email to library workers. Nytes, who was named…
Join the Indianapolis Liberation Center as we celebrate the people’s first victory!