Liberation Center launches Sustainer Program: Fund the movement!

The Indianapolis Liberation Center’s work is done solely by volunteers and financed exclusively by the people’s donations. Without access to funding from establishment political parties, billionaire developers, or corporate foundations, the Liberation Center has thrived on small donations from members, volunteers, and our local community.

It is hard to imagine our grand opening was less than two months ago. Looking through some of our activities in November alone demonstrates we have entered a new era of movement-building in the city by uniting different causes of the people of Indianapolis.

We’re excited to launch our Sustainer Program to give the community a chance to make regular contributions of any size. By becoming a Sustainer, you’ll help provide a reliable source of funding so we can better plan for future activities and realize our greater collective aspirations. Click here to become a Sustainer today!

As a rule, the oppressors don’t fund the oppressed to organize and overthrow them. To win a better world, we rely on each other to sacrifice whatever we have. If you can’t commit to being a monthly or yearly Sustainer, make an urgently-needed donation to our annual fund today. Your donation of any amount is not only of material importance, but of political importance. Whenever we get a donation, we’re inspired by the sacrifice of our fellow working and oppressed people and further committed to the struggle ahead.

Maintaining our unity and our physical and digital common areas is what adds fuel to the fire of our city’s marginalized, oppressed, dispossessed, and exploited. Working side-by-side instead of in isolation or, worse, in competition, makes the tremendous quality and quantity of our work possible. From rallies and protests to community events and educational and political programs, we’re also able to maintain our regular work like staffing public hours, providing up-to-date news and analysis on our site through the Indianapolis Liberator, keeping the city informed about upcoming actions and campaigns, and continuously improving our space.

To see what your donations support, read our November month in review, check out this snapshot of our October activities, and go to our Sustainer page.

