Shaka Shakur: “Revolutionary greetings to the Liberation Center!”
New Afrikan political prisoner and revolutionary Shaka Shakur’s statement of support to the Liberation Center.
New Afrikan political prisoner and revolutionary Shaka Shakur’s statement of support to the Liberation Center.
Spend time assessing our past year of over 100 events and how we all stepped up the struggle in 2023 by building unity and increasing our commitment.
The incredible support of the community has continued to allow the Center to grow its activity!
How we frame the victory is key for the police brutality movement.
We are humbled and proud to welcome Free Shaka Adiyia Shakur to the Indianapolis Liberation Center!
As a rule, the oppressors don’t fund the oppressed to organize and overthrow them. To win a better world, we rely on each other to sacrifice whatever we have.
We are only able to accomplish so much because of the community’s support.
Add your name or group to this statement, jointly written by over 20 student organizations at IU Indianapolis and surrounding schools!
Activists must understand the deep and long-standing connections between the war on Palestine and Black America.