How the courts deceptively work against women: Part 1

Saturday, August 3
2:00 to 5:00 pm
Indianapolis Liberation Center

Local award-winning filmmaker, actor, and community organizer Dr. Meleeka Clary wrote a directed a film documenting her experience thus far in finding justice, closure, and freedom from her ex-husband, attorney Michael Ghosh. For the first time, we will host a hybrid in-person and virtual film screening. Three Corners of Deception depicts her tumultuous relationship with Ghosh and how he used his personal connections in the Hamilton County Court system to withdraw financial assets from Dr. Clary and her daughters.

As Dr. Clary’s story is one that resonates with many women statewide, in addition to an in-person screening at the Liberation Center, we encourage others to organize their own watch parties throughout the state. Since the film’s release, women across the country have reached out to Dr. Clary to share similar stories of legal attacks and court corruption.

Since 2008, Dr. Clary has been tied up in over 20 legal suits by Ghosh to steal Dr. Clary’s hard-earned money and vehicles. On July 12, ANSWER Indiana supported Dr. Clary’s court hearing, where the people witnessed how Ghosh and Judge Jonathan Brown worked together to deny Dr. Clary a fair and objective hearing. The courts were organized against Clary in what she describes as a “Good ole’ boys’ club.” Judge Brown denied Dr. Clary a restraining order against Ghosh as well as her motion to dismiss the case while the Carmel Police Department completes its investigation of court fraud within the Hamilton County Courts.

This screening is the first part of a two part series. Part two, which takes place on August 9, is an exclusive presentation by Dr. Clary on the film’s production and reception, a discussion on the current state of the “justice” system as it relates to Black women in particular, and a letter-writing campaign demanding the American Bar Association disbar Ghosh.

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