Indiana Black Librarians Network calls for library worker unity
Only the library workers united with the community can eliminate the corrupt, racist, and anti-people IndyPL Board!
Only the library workers united with the community can eliminate the corrupt, racist, and anti-people IndyPL Board!
Photo: Stephen Lane, a former Indianapolis Public Library worker and current member of the Board of Trustees, delivers a presentation on the history of racism…
Hill and Tribble want to silence public and give more money to company whose study resulted in appointing Nichelle Hayes as Interim CEO.
Ignorant of basic library operations, unqualified and illegitimate CEO reads from a script.
Watch community members deliver a petition with over 1,800 signatures denouncing the Indianapolis Public Library Board of Trustees.
The reasons given by Jose Salinas and Hope Tribble of the Indianapolis Public Library Board for their antidemocratic decisions in the CEO search are misleading and self-contradicting, and they continue to change in a flagrant and desperate effort to avoid giving Hayes the job.
Indiana Black Librarians denounce rigged CEO search.
After a heated battle, the community forces Morley out. But the struggle for Hayes continues.
When we come together, we have the power to change our city!