Community Food Access Coalition taking “the bull by the horns”
The new Community Food Access Coalition presented its charter, mission, and origins at a recent potluck.
The new Community Food Access Coalition presented its charter, mission, and origins at a recent potluck.
On 6/25, learn about the Community Food Access Coalition and engage in meaningful conversations about improving our food system.
On Sat., June 15, join our monthly Hope Package assembly and hear from the newly-formed Community Food Access Coalition!
Soul Food Project and Hope Packages detail how food apartheid impacts Indianapolis and how we can fight back!
Community members took charge of the planned meeting and voted on the formation of the coalition.
After cancelling last week’s forum without notice, we need to be sure the 5/17 event happens!
Build community and forge solidarity by assembling packages and advancing the demand to end food apartheid!
While COVID-19 doesn’t discriminate based on nationality, the colonial policies of the U.S. government do.