Mental Health Awareness Month: It’s not you, it’s the system

Friday, May 17
6:00 – 7:30 pm
Indianapolis Liberation Center

Suggested donation: $10-20
All proceeds go to benefit Bateman’s exoneration struggle

Since the National Association for Mental Health instituted it in 1949, every May in the U.S. is “Mental Health Awareness” month. This May is the 75th Mental Health Month, and the national theme is “where to start.” While the dominant framing of this question locates mental health disorders in the individual, and produces commodities or “treatments” for us, in reality the problem is located in the alienation produced by society under the rule of capitalism, white supremacy, imperialism, and all forms of oppression.

At the Indianapolis Liberation Center, we’re celebrating Mental Health Month by practicing the real answer to the question: we can only eliminate the mental ills of society by building a community capable of overthrowing the systems that produce mental illness and creating a new society in its place.

We are especially excited to unveil “The Mental Health Awareness Phone Call Painting,” a new interactive creation by Vernon T. Bateman! If you aren’t familiar with his fight, watch our new short documentary about his struggle, and if you aren’t familiar with his brilliant works, stop by The District Theatre on Mass Ave. or watch the unveiling of his eclipse murals. While you’re at it, be sure to sign and share the petition to exonerate Bateman now!

Our Mental Health Month event also features Doris Jones, who will read an excerpt from her book, A Long Journey Home, that is currently being updated and edited for a new 10th anniversary edition.

Featured photo: An edited portion of one of Bateman’s eclipse murals. Credit: Vernon T. Bateman.
