Grand opening: Community celebration of the new Liberation Center!

Thursday, October 5
5:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Indianapolis Liberation Center
1800 N. Meridian St.

Join us for a night of food, drink, community, joy, art, and more as we celebrate the grand opening of the new Indianapolis Liberation Center! All of us–from our founding members and organizers to our newest ones–can’t wait to welcome you into the city’s own independent community space and organizing hub! The Center is proof that unity is key to building the power of the people and will serve to continue building that collaboration.

Feel free to come a little early, stay a little late, or stop in to make the rounds during the programming schedule, beginning, ending, and interspersed with the grooves of DJ El Camarón Electrónico!


5:00: Doors open
5:30 – 6:30: Enjoy food and drinks while learning about our different struggles, organizations, and allied groups, and check out see the first exhibit in our Arte Mexicano en Indiana gallery featuring the work of Peter Julian with the Alliance for Immigrant Justice.
6:30 – 7:30: Program hosted by Liberation Center co-founder Doris Jones and featuring local and national artists, organizers, and educators
8:00 – 10:00 pm: Party!

Suggested donation: $10

Featuring special guest speaker Nino Brown

In addition to hearing from Liberation Center co-founder Doris Jones and others on the frontlines of struggle in Indianapolis, we’re especially excited to be joined by Nino Brown, a former public-school teacher who is currently a community organizer; member of the Jericho Movement, a group formed to free all political prisoners and prisoners of war in the U.S.; and an organizer with the ANSWER Coalition.

Brown edited the 2022 book, Revolutionary Education, and has published articles in academic journals and a range of popular outlets, including Monthly Review, Black Agenda Report, the Hampton Institute, and Liberation School, where he also co-taught a 4-part online course on prison abolition.

What is the Indianapolis Liberation Center?

This marks a significant achievement in realizing our initial vision of bringing together the diverse sectors and struggles of Indy’s diverse working, poor, and progressive population. We wouldn’t be here without your belief in the commitment to building unity and fighting division in the pursuit of justice. Nor would we be here without your continued financial support, no matter the size. Please donate to our fundraising drive to sustain our new expanded Center and realize our collective vision!

We are not only building the current movement, but also training the next generation of thinkers, artists, organizers, and fighters.

Get involved as an individual or a group!

In addition to our new Center’s central location, improved accessibility, free parking, and access to a large auditorium, we are now able to accept additional member organizations, allied groups, as well as provide affordable spaces for individuals and any variety of grouping to book and host events from book talks and workshops to study groups and film showings!

We are also now able to officially accommodate regular interns and volunteers who can be solely linked to the Indianapolis Liberation Center rather than one of our member-groups.

If you are interested in joining us in any capacity or in booking the venue, let us know!
