“The truth never dies!” Watch Leon Benson’s liberation from prison

Watch THEKINGTRILL‘s video of Leon Benson‘s liberation from the Pendleton Correctional Facility after his exoneration on March 9, 2023 to prepare for the upcoming historic two-day event, “Common unity: The re-birth of Leon Benson.” The first event, scheduled for March 8 at the Indianapolis Liberation Center, is a panel titled “This is for the Millions Still in Cages:” One Year after Leon Benson’s Exoneration.”

The video is a powerful testament to resilience, faith, and the unyielding pursuit of justice. You can feel the profound destruction of systemic injustice but, more importantly, the indomitable spirit of those who fight against it together.

After spending 25 years behind bars for a crime he didn’t commit, 10 of which were in solitary confinement, Benson exits the prison walls in a spirit not of resentment but of celebration. Benson immediately reaches out to his supporters, hugging his comrades, showing his raw emotions, and offers an insightful prison system analysis.

“The truth never dies!”

Moving forward together

As we approach the first anniversary of Benson’s freedom, THEKINGTRILL’s documentary evidences the ongoing struggle for justice and the power of collective action. Leon’s liberation is not just a personal victory; it’s a beacon of hope and a call to action for all of us committed to dismantling systemic injustice.

Witness this crucial conversation at our upcoming panel discussion that will delve into the broader implications of Benson’s experience, explore how we can collectively support ongoing prison abolition efforts, and collectively build a world where the prison has no function in society.

For more details on the first event, click here.

Stay tuned for the second event on March 9.

Featured photo: A July 25, 2021 protest to free Leon Benson oganized by IDOC Watch. Credit: PSL Indianapolis.
