Tell Indiana State Senators to oppose crime bills!

By Indy10 Black Lives Matter

Indiana State Senators Young, Crider, Sandlin, Freeman, and Walker have introduced a package of 5 crime bills that increase our reliance on police and jails, while doing nothing to address the poverty and inequity that endanger our communities. Rather than reduce violence, police and jails are a source of violence, particularly for poor and working class Black, Native, and brown communities.

Join us in contacting state senators to oppose SB 6-10!


CONTACT State Senators

Please personalize your messages with the writing tips below the contact info!

SB 6-10 Authors and Sponsors:

Mike Young

Legislative Assistant: Madalynn Conner

Phone: 317-232-9517


Jack Sandlin

Legislative Assistant: Adam Welker

Phone: 317-232-9533


Aaron Freedman

Legislative Assistant: Anna Schuler

Phone: 317-232-9490


Kyle Walker

Legislative Assistant: Lawrence Hemphill

Phone: 317-232-9541


Michael Crider 

Legislative Assistant: Sarah Potter

Phone: 317-234-9054


You should also contact your own state senator, even if you think they agree with you!

Writing Tips:

  • Tell them you oppose SB 6, SB 7, SB 8, SB 9, and SB 10
  • Explain your concerns (see synopsis and talking points from Vera Institute of Justice)
  • Include how the bills will impact your life
  • Tell them what you would like to see instead

TESTIFY at the committee hearing Jan. 11th

If you have been incarcerated, have had friends or loved ones incarcerated, have posted bail for someone, or have other lived experience relating to these bills, please consider testifying before the State Senate Committee on Corrections and Criminal Law.

The hearing will take place on Tuesday, January 11th from 8am to 12pm in Room 130 of the Indiana State House (200 W Washington St). All speakers are asked to speak only once for all 5 bills, and limit their testimony to less than 3 minutes. Written materials may also be submitted to committee members.

In order to testify, you must submit this appearance form on the day of the hearing.

Stay up to date this legislative session!

Join the Younger Women’s Task Force of Greater Lafayette as they host Indiana Task Force meetings each Thursday at 5:30pm, starting January 20th. These 60 minute Zoom calls will brief you on the status of high priority bills moving through the Indiana legislative process and provide simple, meaningful actions to complete during the call.
