2023: A year uniting the people’s struggles
Catch a video snapshot of an entire year spent not only protesting, but uniting different movements and avenues of struggle!
Catch a video snapshot of an entire year spent not only protesting, but uniting different movements and avenues of struggle!
FOCUS not only aligns with, but adds a key ingredient to our mission of uniting to create the world we deserve.
Labor leader Michael Torres supports the Liberation Center because it “is what this city needs!”
On Dec. 16 at 1pm, donate, package, and distribute aid while building unity!
Palestine protests show broad unity can be built by orienting to the majority sentiments of the Global South.
As a rule, the oppressors don’t fund the oppressed to organize and overthrow them. To win a better world, we rely on each other to sacrifice whatever we have.
You’re invited to redistribute gently used kids’ clothing, sizes newborn through early childhood!
Saturday, November 1112:00 pm21st St. and Shadeland Ave.(In front of the Burger King) The families of IMPD victims Herman Whitfield III, Gary Harrell, and Frederick…
Join our next Package assembly and, in the meantime, guarantee we have plenty of supplies to provide!