Breaking the chains on the economics of women’s oppression
Read and discuss the politics and economics tied up in women’s liberation this Sunday (12/15) at the Central Library with PSL Indianapolis
Read and discuss the politics and economics tied up in women’s liberation this Sunday (12/15) at the Central Library with PSL Indianapolis
While presenting themselves as “anti-Trump” and pro-women, the actions of Dems reveal the truth: they are also some of the main forces behind our oppression.
Hogsett’s unfolding scandal, now rippling throughout the Democratic Party, is a symptom of a more fundamental problem.
On 8/9, meet and support Dr. Clary in her ongoing struggle!
Watch as Dr. Clary stands up for herself, Black women, and all of us right in front of the halls of power.
Patriarchy operates as a powerful base of capitalism, but it can’t be reduced solely to the pursuit of surplus value.
This seven-part series exposes the roots of the mass incarceration system in an easily accessible and digestible form.
Despite routine racist acts, the people of Indy keep fighting back.
Hear about the revolutionary origins of IWD, Claudia Jones, Shirley Graham Du Bois, the attacks on trans people, and more!