Closing statement — People’s Congress for Palestine
Read the closing remarks from the People’s Congress for Palestine given on May 26.
Read the closing remarks from the People’s Congress for Palestine given on May 26.
On June 4, participate in ANSWER Indiana’s monthly meeting! Learn how you can become a member, volunteer, or supporter!
New surveillance technologies don’t make us safer; they just give IMPD more excuses to harass poor and oppressed people.
On 5/29, welcome pro-Palestinian activist Richard Becker for a talk on the 2nd edition of his essential book for the current moment.
Only the library workers united with the community can eliminate the corrupt, racist, and anti-people IndyPL Board!
Saturday May 25 12pm pick up seedlings at the Indianapolis Liberation Center.
On Tue, May 21, watch How to Blow Up a Pipeline with light snacks and soft drinks.
An analysis on the struggle in Kenya.
With Indy Mask Bloc, politicize harm reduction and assemble packages on 5/18!