Liberation Center launches Sustainer Program: Fund the movement!
As a rule, the oppressors don’t fund the oppressed to organize and overthrow them. To win a better world, we rely on each other to sacrifice whatever we have.
As a rule, the oppressors don’t fund the oppressed to organize and overthrow them. To win a better world, we rely on each other to sacrifice whatever we have.
With an eye on our present moment and role in Indy,organizers and activists will discuss the political vision we’re struggling for.
It was only 20 years ago that Palestine became highlighted in the U.S. anti-war movement.
Add your name or group to this statement, jointly written by over 20 student organizations at IU Indianapolis and surrounding schools!
Show your unwavering support for the Palestinian fight for liberation!
Instead of calling for peace, Biden is sending billions more of our tax dollars to fund the Israeli genocide against Gaza.
Join us for a night of food, drink, art, and more to celebrate the city’s own independent community space and organizing hub!
Watch and listen as Indy organizer Park reveals who the real “threat” in East Asia is.
Listen to PSL & Nodutdol member Riley Seungyoon Park discuss recent events in South Korea!