The hidden undercurrent of Trumpism is the desire for a new system: Shaka speaks

The following statement was first published by the Shaka Shakur Freedom Campaign, a member-organization of the Indianapolis Liberation Center. You can watch Shaka deliver the statement below in a video recorded on December 07, 2024.


The oppressed and often repressed have always been told to shut up and be quiet, to not rock the boat, to not challenge or criticize authority. What about when power is corrupt and oppressive? What about when power represents a criminal enterprise? How come the people can’t the people can’t file a RICO Act on the government for running a criminal enterprise and racketeering?

In all honesty, when you cut through all the fluff and propaganda, isn’t that really what the system of capitalism really represents? A dog-eat-dog system of monopolization under the guise of competition and free enterprise; exploiting the labor of the working man and woman, blood-sucking the life out of the lower/working class?

If you look at the origin of the system, that was begun with the slaughter/genocide of the Native/indigenous communities, the theft of land and people, as revisionist history and miseducation teach Our children that We are all or were immigrants. Please fact-check that!

There appears to be a lot of shock, disappointment, and anger by the so-called radical or liberal left at the recent win by Donald Trump. What Trump and the right is good at doing is reading the temperament and climate of the empire/country, something that the left is not. Not only is the right good at reading such; they’re good at both manipulating that climate and capitalizing off of it. People should have taken notice during the Hillary Clinton campaign that, in her attempt to win the presidency, the empire wasn’t trying to hear the warm, fuzzy, “can’t we all just get along,” kumbaya bullshit. The empire has shifted further to the right in the post Obama era.

What accounts for Trump’s re-election?

What Trump did was present an alternative to business as usual. And during his oppresidency, he and his ilk continued to seize and cultivate and plant the seeds of moving further to the right, with the Supreme Court picks, the Federal Judges he appointed and left in his wake.

Now, the outgoing Harris and Biden administration and Harris’ subsequent campaign notwithstanding, you see the right knows what the left has refused to either acknowledge or accept: And that is that there is a war going on in amerika for the hearts and minds of the people. Or at least some or certain people. You can call it cultural wars or whatever euphemism you want to give it. But the Steve Banners, the Steve Millers, and those folks that created the 2025 Project: Do you honestly think that document and concept and ideology just magically appeared? That is an idea that, for one has always been around—from the King Alfred Plan to Rex-84 to Project 2025. It has just been upgraded and stamped with Trumpism/neo-fascism in the modern times.

The other interrelated side of this is the nostalgia of “making amerika great again.” Again, with the reelection of Trump, I’ve been listening to a lot of conversations, and those talking heads of mainstream media platforms rant about how and why allegedly 50 percent of the empire voted to re-elect “the Donald.” So let me add my tiny points to the fray.

I think the people are only looking at it from one perspective. Supposedly, a nice percentage of the New Afrikan/Black folks, Hispanics, and women voted for Donald Trump in what will prove  against their own best interest. Instead of just painting everyone that supported his as a racist, ignorant, trash/garbage, etc., it may be another angle or explanation. i think that it is more complex than that, and that We can take a more scientific, dialectical-materialist analysis in Our approach instead of just an emotional one.

Is it a possibility that large sections of society are no longer happy or content with the system of government that We have, and desire something different? That over 50 percent of the people want something different and refuse to be the proverbial monk continuing to toll the bell? It’s possible that a large majority of the people want to see the system of government restructured or radically changed. And the only alternative being presented to the people as the person to bring about such, to get it done, is a reactionary neo-fascist named Donald Trump.

The so-called left who appears to be delusional and out-of-step with time, has abandoned ship or has continued to jump onto a sinking ship, which is the Democratic Party, as opposed to creating and building a militant revolutionary socialist party, or revolutionary party in general, to present to the masses an alternative.

Could this have also been a rebellion/revolt/protest vote? As one prisoncrat stated: “this election was to send a message that We aren’t going to be told who to vote for based on race, sex, or gender, etc.” And on the other side, a non-vote for those who stand with the liberation of Palestine and rejected the Biden-Harris policies in the Middle East?

What must be done, what we must do

A suggestion to the so-called radical is that you take a lesson from the right playbook, and while at it, get off the drug of the Democratic Party that has you fiending every four years for a fix that you know, in the end, will make you sick and see you into withdrawals. How about being proactive and consistent and trying to cultivate a more radical terrain and politic that could lead to or give rise to a more radical, militant, and revolutionary-oriented political party? How about engaging in real ideological struggle around issues, not being afraid to not only speak real truth to power, but to actually change power?

Do you see on the right how much of the youth they have indoctrinated and mobilized—including the students? Do you not see how Trumpism has been able to capture and capitalize off of male nostalgia of feelings of dominance and superiority, of male machismo, or “make amerika great again,” or us having a hard dick and the rest of the world was afraid to fuck with us, bringing back the “prestige” of amerika? And when i say “us” i’m talking about them, okay? Trust that

How many women fell into the movement/hype of national chauvinism? This energy of false masculinity and chauvinism even seduces men of color, who couldn’t bring themselves to vote for a “weak,” “emotional” Black women, who didn’t care or wasn’t outraged that this neo-fascist Trump called her a “bitch” on national TV. These people were also concerned about their pocketbooks and the cost of living: real issues. And until the Left can come up with a real narrative that has a direct impact upon people’s lives, they will continue to engage in rhetoric, pomp, and circumstance and be left out as a new right rises like a phoenix.  

Free the Land!

And again, these are just my little tiny points.

Oh, hold up—wait a minute. Breaking future news: Today Donald Trump issued an executive order making it a felony for anyone who doesn’t stand and say “i pledge allegiance to the flag” in any public event or classroom to be punished for up to 5-10 years in prison.

Oh, another news break: Today, President Trump by executive order and authorization of the U.S. Supreme Court decreed that any woman that has been found to have had an abortion faces a felony with a mandatory sentence of 5-10 years.

One more: Today, President Trump by executive order on the heels of a change to the u.s. constitution issues multiple white infantry units into urban areas heavily populated by people of color to reduce the level of violent crime. Think it can’t happen here? That’s the naivete that allows “the Donald” to keep winning. Imagine that.

Shaka speaks: The undercurrent of Trumpism

Featured image: The Democratic Party following the Republican Party to the right over a photo taken from a 2023 Indianapolis protest for Palestine and Black/New Afrikan liberation. Credit: Indianapolis Liberation Center.
