Rally for Baby Gee: Family and Black leaders call for community support

Tuesday, September 19
12:00 pm
251 E. Ohio St.

Almost a month has passed since the IMPD released their heavily biased, edited, and narrated video of officer Douglas Correll murdering Gary Harrell by shooting him in the back on August 3, 2023. No amount of editing or slick-talk, however, could prevent the video from confirming that this was an act of racist IMPD brutality against Indianapolis and the Black community in particular, not to mention Harrell’s immediate friends and family.

Even though we have partial video footage of Harrell’s murder, as well as evidence that points to a history of racist acts of brutality by Correll, Marion County Prosecutor Ryan Mears has taken absolutely no action. As Harrell’s family and community mourn and struggle, Correll is sitting comfortably at home collecting paychecks. Put differently, at this very moment our tax dollars are being gifted to Correll for a paid vacation after he murdered Gary Harrell, or Baby Gee. We won’t stand for it.

Gary Harrell’s family and Black community leaders are calling for the community to show up and stand with them to demand answers from Mears. This will be the the third consecutive Tuesday we have protested. However, this is the first protest we are announcing ahead of time. We gave Mears a chance to meet with a smaller group of us. After he agreed to take the meeting, however, he never showed. His time is up.

Joins us as we demand that Mears do his job and charge Correll!
