Tuesday: Demand justice for Gary Harrell!

Tuesday, September 5
12:00 PM
Prosecutor’s Office
251 E. Ohio St.

Just over a month ago, on August 3, IMPD officer Douglas Correll shot Gary Harrell, a 41-year old Black man in the back twice, killing him with his second shot. There was no “just cause” for this act of racist police terror as proven by even the narrated and edited IMPD video the showing the murder at a traffic stop at 34th St. and Parker Ave., which was only released as a result of mounting public pressure.

Our immediate demands

The community will not stand for yet another life taken by the IMPD. Over the last month, we have rallied, mourned, organized, and raised consciousness around the city to counter the cops’ dominating narrative. The next step comes on Tuesday. Stand with Gary Harrell’s family and friends by joining a rally at the Prosecutor’s Office with clear demands to start getting justice for Gary.

We, the people, will demand:

  1. Charge cop Douglas Correll immediately; do not wait 90 days, and conduct a speedy trial to conclude before this year’s elections.
  2. No more pay for cop Douglas Correll, who must return any pay received by the IMPD since August 3, 2023.
  3. No special prosecutor. We want Prosecutor Ryan Mears to try this case.

The organized people, not the politicians, are our hope

Correll has a history of attacking community members. In a 2016 incident, citizen Joshua Harris called 911 for assistance after being shot in the foot. Rather than administering necessary aid, Correll attacked Harris, punching him in the face twice and kneeing him in the stomach, crushing his spleen and injuring his pancreas and intestines. After, Correll falsely arrested and charged Harris. Instead of firing and jailing Correll right then, Indianapolis paid $380,000 of our money to keep him on the streets. He should have then exactly where he belongs now: behind bars!

We are the only hope for justice for Gary and other victims of the IMPD. It is imperative that we show up for each other, especially as Hogsett’s budget proposal will only give more money to ramp up the IMPD’s brutality of our community.

We will not let our demands go unmet. See you in the streets on Tuesday at noon!

Justice for Baby Gee!
