Petition the Indianapolis City-County Council: Pass a ceasefire resolution!

The Indianapolis Liberator is encouraging all readers to sign on to this petition being circulated by Jewish Voice for Peace – Indiana. The full text of the petition is included below. JVP is organizing to pack the next meeting of the City-County Council on Monday, July 8.

As residents of Indianapolis, we urge the Indianapolis-Marion County City-County Council to pass a resolution calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. We are profoundly alarmed about the ongoing violence and its devastating impact on Palestinian lives. We believe our city has both the moral obligation and the capacity to advocate for an end to the genocide.

By passing a ceasefire resolution, Indianapolis would join cities like Columbus, Cleveland, Detroit, Milwaukee, Madison, Chicago, and Bloomington in showing solidarity with those impacted by this violence. This action would send a clear message to all elected officials that the people support a ceasefire.

Since October, Israel’s assaults on besieged Gaza have taken the lives of more than 36,000 Palestinians, displaced nearly 2 million people, and decimated hospitals, schools, and all universities. In addition to the death toll, over 10,000 people are known to be missing in Gaza. Some have been buried too quickly to be recorded amid the chaos, others lie decomposing in inaccessible areas, and many are likely trapped under the expanse of rubble. Because of Israel’s deadly attacks, the UN now calls Gaza a “graveyard for children.”

In addition to an immediate and permanent ceasefire, the constituents of Marion County call for an end to the siege on Gaza, for Palestinians to receive the urgent humanitarian aid they need in both Gaza and the West Bank, a complete arms embargo to Israel, and the halting of all funding to the Israeli military.   It has never been more important to take a stand on the side of justice and humanity.  We urge this council to stand up for human life and support a City County Council Ceasefire Resolution.

Featured image: Protestors gathered on Monument Circle for a demonstration in support of Palestinian liberation. Credit: Indianapolis Liberation Center
