IDOC Watch: Fight repression at Pendleton CF

Originally published by IDOC Watch on Feb. 9


Recently, a CO was held hostage in a solitary confinement unit. White prisoners at Pendleton CI have been giving false intel to staff, accusing groups of Black and Brown men of committing the act. Around 20 Black and Brown prisoners were racially targeted and strip searched, and the facility has gone on lockdown. In the midst of this concerning activity, the facility is “no longer accepting outside calls”, causing family members to worry for their loved one’s safety… with good reason, as the newly hired Deputy Warden once served as a military police officer overseeing detainee operations at the brutally corrupt Guantanomo Bay.

IDOC has also abruptly stopped reporting it’s daily COVID quarantining numbers, and we want to know why this information is no longer public. Families have every right to fear for dangerous treatment of their loved ones, and deserve transparency.


“We hear that Pendleton CF is on lockdown after an incident involving a CO being held hostage, and that many Black and Brown prisoners have received false allegations against them and have been racially targeted and profiled, despite there being any evidence pointing towards them. These Black and Brown prisoners have been forced to submit to invasive and degrading strip searches. This is obviously racially motivated and unacceptable. Most alarmingly – the facility has told family members and loved ones that they “not accepting calls from the outside” and are refusing to answer questions.

Please look into this matter and demand Pendleton CF immediately end the lockdown, end the strip searches and racial profiling, and open the phone lines up to outside calls to ensure all family member’s right to transparency. And ensure there are consequences for any staff members who allowed this situation to escalate.

Beyond Pendleton CF, there are also transparency issues with the IDOC’s daily COVID reporting. One day last week the column that showed how many COs and inmates were being quarantined was removed. That information is no longer available, yet some of the cell blocks have been kept in quarantine for weeks and are now told they won’t be off til 2/26. This means no recreation and exercise. Why is this information not public and what are they hiding? Are there any people on quarantine now?

Families are worried about their loved ones being in dangerous conditions, and deserve transparency from IDOC.”

Who to call:

DOC Headquarters extension that deals with “concerns about a facility or offender”:

  • Pendleton CF: (317) 232-5711, follow ext. 2, ext. 3,  ext. 2.
  • Jessica Williams, Business Development Specialist of Indiana DOC: 317-232-5723 |
  • Governor of Indiana Eric Holcomb: 317-232-4567 | email form
  • IDOC Complaint Form