Thursday, February 13
6:00 pm
Indianapolis Liberation Center
Community Food Box Project has thrived for over eight years thanks to our supporters. We want to thank everyone who came out and supported our fundraiser two weeks ago. It was a beautiful gathering of community and we are excited to keep the momentum going!
We are excited to invite our supporters–and those who want to become supporters–to the first volunteer workshop at our new home at the Indianapolis Liberation Center! We guarantee there’s a place for you in the fight to end food injustice in this city: all you have to do is take the first step and show up!
The evening will include snacks, beverages, and plenty of time for socializing, getting to know new people, and reconnecting with old friends. We’ll briefly cover the history of the Project, which shows how our success depends on community partners and people just like you
After covering the various volunteer roles and how they fit into the larger operation, we’ll go through our new app that serves as the central point of connection in between meetings, orientations, and other in-person events.
Finally, we’ll get our hands dirty by bringing a new food box to life with a fresh coat of paint. This is your chance to get hands-on and into the fight for food access.
People of all ages are welcome. If you have any questions, please fill out the form on their website or send an email to!