Saturday, March 16
1:00 – 2:30 pm
Indianapolis Liberation Center
As winter comes to a close, spring into action by building unity and solidarity with your community. On the third Saturday of March, gather with us to assemble Hope Packages and collaborate with your peers working to transform Indianapolis.
By addressing the root causes of homelessness, we will discuss key issues related to gentrification here in Indy. We must come together as housed and unhoused neighbors to fight for what we deserve. We collectively demand accessible housing for all; read more about our vision in our 10-Point Program. Our conversation this month will focus on tenants’ rights and possibilities for liberatory action. For a brief overview of gentrification in Indy, check out ANSWER Indiana’s article from 2019 with 10 quick facts.
Members of Hope Packages work every day to change our city for the better. For example, check out Doris Jones, one of our founders, speaking last Saturday at the Poor People’s Campaign event.
You can now donate directly to Hope Packages and to keep hope alive by become a Hope Packages sustainer! The more sustainers we have, the more reliably we can organize and distribute our packages!
If you prefer to purchase items directly from our Amazon wish list to be sent to the Indianapolis Liberation Center, keep in mind we are particularly in need of:
- Gloves
- Underwear (womens)
- Underwear (mens)
- Hats
- Socks
- Deodorant
- Chapstick
- Facial towels
- Body wipes
- Kleenex
- Bandaids
- Antacid
When you donate to Hope Packages, you’re not only helping our homeless and unhoused community members survive but also working toward a larger overarching project of transforming our city. A transformation where instead of giving hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to real estate developers and banks, we use that money to actually solve the structures and systems that cause homelessness.