Hey, U.S: Hands off the Congo!

Friday, June 7
3:00 pm
Indianapolis Liberation Center

As anti-imperialist consciousness grows in the face of Israeli atrocities in Gaza, a renewed interest is also growing in the Democratic Republic of Congo (D.R.C.), where, as in Israel, the U.S. plays a direct role in perpetuating violence. On May 19, 20 soldiers, three of whom were found to be U.S. citizens, staged an alleged coup attempt in the D.R.C. Lead by U.S. citizen Christian Malanga, the soldiers attacked the home of the country’s Deputy Prime Minister of Economy but the assault was quickly brought to a halt.

A driving factor behind the U.S.’s interventions in the country is its vast wealth of natural resources, including materials vital to the construction of electric vehicle batteries. The U.S. has held negotiations with the D.R.C. in order to gain access to its resources, and has even considered removing sanctions on Dan Gertler, an Israeli billionaire who adds $200,000 to his wealth daily by exploiting the people of the D.R.C., in order to help facilitate any deal.

Join Medusah Stardust from Indy for Congo Liberation and Ally Ntumba from Patchwork Indy to learn about the ongoing atrocities in the D.R.C., how the U.S. empire historically and presently plays a role in them, and what we can do to fight back on the economic and political fronts.

Featured image: Children and their parents mining in the D.R.C. Credit: Julien Harneis
