Celebrate the first steps toward an anti-racist library system!

Sun., Aug. 29 @ 2:00 pm
Dr. Martin Luther King J. Park
1702 N. Broadway Ave.

Jackie Nytes, CEO of the Indianapolis Public Library, announced that she was resigning August 20 in an email to library workers. Nytes, who was named CEO in 2012, had said for months that she would not step down from her position amid a persistent campaign from workers and the community over allegations of racism and a toxic work environment.

Her resignation in the face of a sustained popular movement shows that workers and the community can organize and win major victories even against entrenched corporate bosses.

Join the Indianapolis Liberation Center as we celebrate the people’s first victory and reaffirm our commitment to the struggle for an anti-racist, worker-run Indy Public Library!

Read more about the struggle here!
