Tuesday, February 18
6:00 pm
Broadway United Methodist Church
609 E 29th St
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Learn how workers, students, migrants, and all oppressed and exploited groups can take our destiny into our own hands in spite of ongoing assaults on our fundamental rights.
At ANSWER Indiana’s February monthly meeting, we will examine the global refugee crisis and how U.S/NATO imperialism plays a key role in the continuation and worsening working conditions around the world.
We’ll hear from people affected by the ban on refugees and hold a panel discussion featuring refugees from our community. We’ll also discuss what does and does not make a refugee, according to the US imperialist system.
Given the new US administration’s targeted attacks on immigrant and refugee populations, now is our chance to mount a strong fight-back movement in the streets. On January 27, the Trump administration revoked Executive Order 14013 – “Rebuilding and Enhancing Programs To Resettle Refugees and Planning for the Impact of Climate Change on Migration.” A move that will leave thousands of refugees in limbo.
This month’s agenda will include:
- A panel of speakers who will discuss the experiences of refugees in the U.S., with discussion to follow
- A presentation and discussion of U.S. imperialism and how it creates refugees worldwide
- How to become a member of ANSWER Indiana and receive regular communications about events and actions
The U.S. is trying to get away with ignoring the refugees it created through enacting violent U.S. foreign policy. Will we let them get away with it? The answer is up to us.
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