Near west side community organizations called a press conference on February 24 to call attention to the increase in graffiti in the Haughville neighborhood. A number of homes, businesses, and fences are tagged with graffiti throughout the neighborhood.
There are currently competing ideas on how to address the problem. The IMPD proposes increasing surveillance in camera installations and patrols in the neighborhood. With no evidence to back up their claims, cops alleged the graffiti was the work of gangs. The Liberator hit the streets and attended the press conference to speak directly to the concerned community members about the rise of graffiti in the neighborhood and how they would like to address it.
“Just growing up here, I know the neighborhood,” said Fatima Perry, Vice President of the Stringtown Neighborhood Association. “We’re trying to figure out proactive ways to address anything that comes up as a challenge in any of our neighborhoods. Whether it is graffiti or something else, we want to find outlets and ways to show, ‘we’re here for you.’”
Perry noted potential solutions. “We are talking about a mural or connecting with a local artist if that’s the outlet they want. I also work with teens so we can refer them to teen programs.”
Many residents echoed Perry’s sentiment that an active community can come up with a workable solution. “I think it is just important for the community and residents to come together in all the four neighborhoods and everybody come together and get on the same page and work together to help cleanup the neighborhoods,” said Jama Bennett, Near West community health worker. “So I think working together and encouraging residents and teenagers–everybody to come out.”
The Near West side is largely residential properties with local businesses that line neighborhoods on major thoroughfares. Haughville is made up of working class residents who are a diverse grouping of Black, White, and Latino families whose median annual income is $35,762 per household. There are approximately 8,323 residents in Haughville.
Some community members think the city is not doing enough to curb the graffiti in the neighborhood. Leader of Friends of Belmont Beach, Tedd Hardy stated, “I think the city officials should be helping the community on some of this stuff. Like we are OK policing the community, but there are some things we just can’t do. So as far as the graffiti, we’re not trying to point a finger at one individual but what are some things we can do to combat it like art programs, art leaders, different conversations, different communication lines could help with that.”
The city allocated $1.03 million to the arts in the 2025 budget out of a total of $1.65 billion. That same allotment to the arts was awarded to support 90 different art organizations in 2024. There was no representative from the Mayor’s office or City-County Council present at the press conference.
Perry said, “There’s an assumption that [the graffiti artists] are teens , but they look like young adults. Once we identify who the individuals are, we’re working with them. I feel like we don’t want to reprimand, we want to figure out how best to be proactive and find a solution together with these individuals and see what could be the solution that’s ideal for them and for us as a community.”
While the community members promoted unity and solutions of care over punishment, the limited resources in the neighborhood, and lack of support from local politicians left the community to come up with their own remedies.
The Fonseca-DuBois Gallery powered by Arte Mexicano en Indiana is stepping up to fundraise for a mural project with a plan. The local gallery with ties to Near West Side neighborhoods plans to invite teenagers to work alongside a local artist to learn how to paint murals. Research points to the effectiveness of mural projects to curb graffiti. Toronto addressed their graffiti issue by commissioning local artists to paint mural installations that reflect the neighborhood and provide creative outlets. The Fonseca-DuBois Gallery mural project will be in collaboration with residents and businesses to channel creative energy in a constructive way. They are seeking out local funders who would get behind the beautification project.
“We don’t know who’s tagging. By adding cameras–that expense is not going to solve the issue,” Director of Arte Mexicano en Indiana Eduardo Luna said. “In the Hawthorne community, just south of the Haughville community, there were many cases of tagging on garages. The solution came after the owners and neighborhood association joined forces to paint murals on garages and people did not tag those garages anymore.”
While there may be money for increased surveillance in the neighborhood, the community’s strategy is far more creative with a winning solution for graffiti artists and residents alike. The question remains if the city will locate funds to assist in the will of Haughville residents to beautify their neighborhood.
President of the Haughville Strong Neighborhood Association Tracy Jackson said, “Our efforts today is to bring attention to the city of Indianapolis what is going on in Haughville.” The lack of economic opportunities, support from elected leaders, and financial investment in the arts in the Mayor’s budget all play out in the realities that Haughville residents face to maintain their neighborhood. Now the residents are left to problem solve new and hopeful potential for Haughville.
“Some community members think the city is not doing enough to curb the graffiti in the neighborhood,” Jackson said. She continued the diverse community is united in the beautification efforts and residents are leading the way to “restore it to the vital neighborhood that it once was.”
If you would like to fund the mural project in Haughville or volunteer your time, contact the Fonseca-DuBois Gallery at
Featured photo: Near West side residents attend a press conference in Haughville to address the rise in graffiti. Photo credit: Indianapolis Liberator.