Virginia DOC: Stop letting your prisoners freeze!

This action alert was first posted by our member-organization, IDOC Watch, on February 21.

For the past week, prisoners in Virginia’s Buckingham Correctional Facility have been subjected to sub-freezing temperatures in buildings C and D, allegedly due to a damaged boiler. Prisoners have not been provided an explanation for this issue, a timeline for its resolution, or any materials to help them withstand the cold while the heat is inoperable. Please call immediately to ensure the prisoners receive the aid they need!

Contact Buckingham Correction Facility

Phone: (434) 983-4400, press ext. 0 for operator, and ask to speak with the warden.

Sample script

“Hello, I am [calling/emailing] regarding recent reports of a broken heating system in buildings C and D. Without the heat and with no additional items to keep warm, this is putting prisoners in dangerous positions as they face sub-freezing temperatures. Please provide the prisoners with additional blankets and ensure that the boilers are repaired immediately!”

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