How can we create a new system? PSL interest meeting

Wednesday, November 20
6:00 – 9:00 pm
Indianapolis Liberation Center

With another Trump presidency on the way and the Democrats offering no opposition, are you looking for a way to make real change? To accommodate the influx of interest in the Party for Socialism and Liberation–a real alternative to the two-party system dominating our politics–PSL Indianapolis is hosting a panel discussion on what it means to be a revolutionary organizer. We believe that more workers have what it takes to answer the call to transform society to meet the needs of the majority over the tiny minority of the super-rich. The PSL is interested in building real people power in the belly of U.S. capitalism. As we can see, the two major parties fail to meet the needs of workers every election cycle, and their near monopoly on political power goes against our very interests and threatens the survival of humanity. It is time for the workers to form their own path to power and liberation from the systems that oppress us and secure the rights we need for ourselves and our children.

You will hear from PSL organizers who have been in the Party for quite some time and from newer members of the Party and what it means to them to be part of a fighting organization against all forms of oppression. Our Party is multinational and multigenerational because the people need a broad base of workers to forge unity and overcome imposed divisions. Our local branch will cover some of the victories we have gained for workers locally and how we advocate for all workers internationally. Comrades will also explain how you can join us in the march towards a socialist future!

