Touch Grass, Indy: Climate solutions study group

Saturday, April 13
4:00 pm
Indianapolis Liberation Center

Continue the conversation with us at our second event in this study group series. We will continue reading Climate Solutions Beyond Capitalism by Tina Landis. At our first meeting, we talked about the ways that capitalism tries, and fails, to address the climate crisis. We brought up how the media is used against the interests of those fighting for the climate in order to show how false solutions persist in contemporary culture. Through these discussions, we came to understand the interconnected nature of environmental degradation and capitalist power.

We ended the first discussion by sharing examples of movements or actions from other countries that inspire hope for the future. In the second meeting, we will cover land use, the role of the oceans, and our warming planet. Come to the meeting with an enthusiasm to learn and a desire to share ideas that can address climate change effectively.

This event is the second in a 3 part series and we encourage anyone to attend whether you were at the first meeting or not. The short book is available to purchase at the Liberation Center and is not required to purchase to attend.
