Community meeting: Update on police coalition victory in IMPD killing of Freddie Davis
The family of an IMPD victim will be sharing their response to CCTV footage of their loved one’s murder, which they secured after months of struggle.
The family of an IMPD victim will be sharing their response to CCTV footage of their loved one’s murder, which they secured after months of struggle.
On Feb. 7, show Mears he can’t hide from the people!
Taylor’s fight isn’t over, but now it’s our fight, too.
Exclusive: Families of Gary Harrell & Frederick Davis issue statement on the real cause of police terror.
Join a growing movement against IMPD violence to demand IMPD Chief Randal’s immediate firing!
Documenting a new anti-police brutality movement and a powerful Nov. 11 demonstration, Liberation News shows the real reasons behind the uptick in police shootings this year.
Why is such a basic activity deadly across the U.S.? Why should our response be criminalization, when the cops are never held accountable?
The rally gave updates on Harrell’s case, announced new plans for ending IMPD’s killing spree, and connected state violence at home to U.S. state violence abroad.
To convey their demands around IMPD’s killing of Gary Harell, dozens marched to request a meeting with Ryan Mears, who never showed up.