Take action now: Defund the IMPD! Justice for Dreasjon Reed and McHale Rose!
Tell the City-County Council to Defund Killer Cops!
Tell the City-County Council to Defund Killer Cops!
Eyewitness testimony shows IMPD is lying to stall the case and refuse to name Reed’s killers or handover autopsy report.
There were indeed two protests on Saturday, but they were not at all of the character described by IMPD and echoed by politicians and the media.
Indianapolis police murdered Dreasjon Reed in cold blood last evening on the Northside. The cops chased Reed, tasered him, and then fired at least fourteen…
A key discussion featuring PSL member Riley Bove!
On August 2, two IMPD officers fatally shot Deshon Downing, a beloved father, husband, son, and community member.
ANSWER Indiana co-coordinator identifies the real perpetrators of gun violence