Indy’s first Black librarian: Recovering the history of our struggle
Photo: Stephen Lane, a former Indianapolis Public Library worker and current member of the Board of Trustees, delivers a presentation on the history of racism…
Photo: Stephen Lane, a former Indianapolis Public Library worker and current member of the Board of Trustees, delivers a presentation on the history of racism…
After he pled guilty to federal civil rights charges, organizers continue protesting outside every scheduled court appearance for criminal cop Eric Huxley’s state trial.
As a member of the CEO Search committee, I personally feel the search was rigged. The committee was for show.
The reasons given by Jose Salinas and Hope Tribble of the Indianapolis Public Library Board for their antidemocratic decisions in the CEO search are misleading and self-contradicting, and they continue to change in a flagrant and desperate effort to avoid giving Hayes the job.
After a heated battle, the community forces Morley out. But the struggle for Hayes continues.
IBLN stands with the choice the people of Indianapolis have made: Nichelle M. Hayes.
After a summer-long struggle to remove racist CEO Jackie Nytes from her leadership over our library, the library workers union–AFSCME Local 3395–and the Indianapolis Liberation…
The July Indianapolis Public Library board meeting had many members of the community, current and former library staff openly express their solidarity with Bree Flannelly…
In response to worker criticisms of hostile and racist working conditions, a leaked e-mail reveals IndyPL CEO Jackie Nytes asked to “recruit some Black leaders to sign” a letter in support of her. She also dismisses worker criticisms as “personal disagreements”!