Grand opening: Community celebration of the new Liberation Center!
Join us for a night of food, drink, art, and more to celebrate the city’s own independent community space and organizing hub!
Join us for a night of food, drink, art, and more to celebrate the city’s own independent community space and organizing hub!
Learn about the history of the Liberation Center, what empowered it to open a new, larger, and centrally-located community center, and get details about our grand opening!
Our organization, membership, and your support let us remain at the forefront of people’ struggles as we face challenges of expanding, fundraising, and moving!
Our Center is expanding and growing in profound ways, but we can’t do it without your continued support!
Make buttons to help spread the world while we collect donations and assemble this month’s packages.
Visit the Center and member organizations Hope Packages, ANSWER Indiana, and PSL Indy this Saturday!
Show up to support and build our community!
Every seat was filled four talented queens performed, we raised enough money to fully fund a month of activity!
There is joy in struggle. As we continue resisting attacks on LGBTQ people, we must remember that community is the key!