Systemic failure results in sweep of east side encampment
The city has prioritized removing homeless citizens from public view over actually meeting their needs.
The city has prioritized removing homeless citizens from public view over actually meeting their needs.
On 10/19, learn about and fight for queer liberation with the Fluid Skate Collective!
Assemble packages to support our neighbors and learn about the latest Supreme Court attacks on the poor on Saturday, 9/21.
On Sat., June 15, join our monthly Hope Package assembly and hear from the newly-formed Community Food Access Coalition!
Build community and forge solidarity by assembling packages and advancing the demand to end food apartheid!
Spring into action this March by building community and discussing gentrification in Indy
On Feb. 17, share love and solidarity with your neighbors and community!
We’re celebrating the third Saturday of January 2024 just as we have the past three: assembling Hope Packages!
On Dec. 16 at 1pm, donate, package, and distribute aid while building unity!