Black August (黑色八月): A new Free Shaka Shakur series
This Black August, Free Shaka Shakur and the Center published Shaka’s latest books in English and Chinese.
This Black August, Free Shaka Shakur and the Center published Shaka’s latest books in English and Chinese.
This year, every member organization at the Liberation Center tied their work to the motto of Black August: “Study, fast, train, fight.”
Learn about the gang truce, what really went down, and how the truce continues to play out in the streets today.
Caribbean revolutionary history is an intrinsic piece of the larger international movement for Black Power and liberation.
Saturday, August 31, learn and discuss the history of Black August as the PSL and the Center share their newest publication!
On 8/29, hear first-hand how gangs united to protect our people in the Baltimore Rebellion and discuss the legacies of George Jackson.
“The systems do everything in their power to keep us from one another, so obviously they know something that we might not know: that we can win.”
This introduction follows the threads of development between George Jackson and Shaka A. Shakur.
The system maintains its violent brutality against Black people, but our greatest weapon is learning from past struggles.