“Socialists and war: Two opposing trends” study group

Sunday, December 22
2:00 pm
Indianapolis Liberation Center

Make a contribution to the Center’s drive to fund a full-time staff person.

Connect with anti-war activists and members of the Party for Socialism and Liberation as we study Socialists and war: Two opposing trends, by anti-war leaders Brian Becker and Mazda Majidi. Learn about and discuss a key issue on the left: whether or not we can withstand the massive U.S. propaganda machine and its demonization of “the other” to build a real anti-imperialist movement.

Every time the U.S. government launches a new war, coup plot, or sanctions regime, certain “progressive” and even “socialist” voices organize around confused slogans that end up providing left-wing cover to imperialism. During the Iraq invasion, this trend received the name “cruise missile liberalism.” The same twisted logic were made in support of the U.S./NATO bombing of Libya in 2011 that led to the overthrow of the nationalist and popular government. Similar arguments are echoing again about the “Syrian Revolution” and “Assad the butcher.”

What stance should socialists in the U.S. take towards our own government’s imperialist projects? Is it possible to oppose U.S. imperialism but support its objectives? How can we take a principled stance against war in the face of pro-intervention propaganda?

Attendees can buy the book at the event, or purchase it before hand on the Indianapolis Liberation Center’s store!

From the book

“Every war waged today by the United States and NATO powers is a class war. The foreign policy of NATO governments is based on the needs and global interests of their own bankers and corporate elites. Imperialism is a global system, and the United States government is the anchor and leading force.”

“Every military intervention, covert intelligence operation, foreign military base and military assistance project by the Pentagon and the CIA is designed to strengthen the control and domination of the U.S. capitalist class over the globe. U.S. foreign policy is based on the calculations of empire.”
