Free class: Why we need a revolutionary party, 8/16

Tue., Aug. 16 @ 6:00 pm
Indianapolis Central Library
Room 406

Join us for the first free public class in our 3-part socialism class series, on “Why we need a revolutionary party!” In light of the recent mass mobilizations to defend abortion rights, in addition to the recent history of spontaneous mass uprisings, what is the role of the revolutionary party in advancing these struggles into a force that can not only win and defend our most basic rights, but create an entirely new society? Historically and today, what role has the revolutionary party played in the socialist transformation of society?

Classes will be held every other Tuesday at 6:00 pm at the same location.

The PSL is united in our belief that capitalism—the system in which all wealth and power is held by a tiny group of billionaires and their state—is the source of the main problems confronting our world today. It must be replaced by socialism, a system where poor and working people have power and the wealth of society is used in a planned and sustainable way to meet the world’s needs.

We link the everyday struggles of oppressed and exploited people, from fighting gentrification and police brutality to endless wars and climate change, to fight for a better world.
If you’re interested in learning more about socialism and the struggle for the future we
deserve, join us at any or all of these classes! No prior reading or knowledge required.
