Not sure where to start? New Liberation Store book bundles are for you!

While the Indianapolis Liberation Center Store‘s inventory of revolutionary literature and merchandise continues expanding, we are organized with one goal in mind: arming ourselves and others with the knowledge and experience of the past so we can collectively produce a new future. Because we believe all organizers and activists are necessarily educators, our books, pamphlets, and other writings not only focus on education but are selected for their educational utility to today’s struggles.

Each bundle is a curriculum carefully assembled for students and teachers to engage for the first time or to revisit and re-read in light of the rapidly shifting political scene. Below are our first three introductory bundles that, in addition to a discounted price tag, are available for shipping and pick-up!

For you or your friend just getting started, these six books spanning revolutionary movements in our past, present, and future, this bundle is for anyone looking for an accessible entry point into a wide range of struggles–on the cheap. From the history of Palestinian resistance to the LGBTQ Liberation movement and the New Afrikan/Black prison struggle, the role of the Supreme Court today, and the anti-war struggle, this bundle lets you make new connections and produce new insights into the movements of our day. This bundle includes:

  1. Israel: Base of Western Imperialism by Abdel Wahab el-Messiri
  2. A Victory for One is a Victory for All: The LGBTQ Freedom Struggle edited by PSL Indianapolis
  3. The Right to be Free: Fighting for Liberation Behind Enemy Lines by Shaka A. Shakur
  4. Black August: Study, Fast, Train, Fight edited by PSL Indianapolis
  5. The Supreme Court vs. Democracy: An Assault on Democratic Rights by Brian Becker
  6. Imperialism in the 21st Century: Updating Lenin’s Theory of Imperialism a Century Later by Mazda Majidi and others

The production and acceptance of radical consciousness is one of the central tasks of building any radically transformative movement. Organizers and activists must see ourselves as educators and, consequently, study, practice, and revise educational practices in movement-building. This reading bundle will help you do just that. By familiarizing ourselves with revolutionary educational theory and practice through historical examples, first-person narratives, and edited volumes, we’ll develop the vocabulary and shared frameworks necessary for advancing our struggles. This bundle includes:

  1. A Voice for Maria Favela: An Adventure in Creative Literacy, by Antonio Leal
  2. Educational Potentialities: Collected Talks on Revolutionary Education, Aesthetics, and Organization, by Tyson E. Lewis
  3. Encountering Education: Elements for a Marxist Pedagogy, by Derek R. Ford
  4. Revolutionary Education: Theory and Practice for Socialist Organizers, edited by Nino Brown

Perfect for those beginning their journey and those teaching the next generation, these six books arm organizers with the theoretical, historical, and practical political knowledge to not only understand but transform our world. Read how revolutionaries across the world–from the U.S. to Korea–reflect on their activity to advance the struggle for self-determination, independence, and autonomy. Revisit these works whenever you need a dose of revolutionary optimism, as some are historical records of our ability to overthrow our oppressors and others document our contemporary efforts to create a society for the benefit of all by overcoming national oppression. This bundle includes:

  1. The Black Belt Thesis: A Reader, edited by the Black Belt Thesis Reading Group
  2. Palestine, Israel and the U.S. Empire, 2nd. Ed., by Richard Becker
  3. Laundering Black Rage: The Washing of Black Death, People, Property, and Profits, by Rasul A. Mowatt and Too Black
  4. Socialist Education in Korea: Selected Writings of Kim Il-Sung, edited by Riley Park and Cambria York
  5. Storming the Gates: How the Russian Revolution Changed the World, edited by Ben Becker
  6. From the Republic of New Afrika to Palestine: National Liberation in Context, by Shaka A. Shakur

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