Not sure where to start? New Liberation Store book bundles are for you!
Each bundle is a curriculum for students and activists to engage for the first time or to revisit and re-read in light of the rapidly shifting political scene.
Each bundle is a curriculum for students and activists to engage for the first time or to revisit and re-read in light of the rapidly shifting political scene.
Learn how you can be part of the revolutionary transformation of society at this welcoming event on 10/29.
Whether you’re ready to join or just want to learn more about the PSL, this August 13 event is for you!
In order to abolish capitalist police, we must first abolish capitalist law itself.
Hear from and discuss with various PSL members about our Party and its activities, what it means to join a revolutionary party, and how you can become a more effective fighter!
Join us for the second free public class in our socialism course, “Introduction to Marxism!”
PSL Indy organized the first March for Choice, supported uprisings against the War on Black America, Hope Packages to Cancel the Rents, Free Them All, and so much more.