Liberation forum: Envisioning mental health under socialism

Thursday, March 28
6:00 – 8:00 pm EST
Indianapolis Liberation Center

In our last Liberation Forum on March 13, we had the pleasure of starting the conversation to understand capitalism’s impact on our collective mental health and particularly its role in shaping the mental problems we face in our society. For those who attended the event and those who are reading about it here for the first time, a natural question that may follow is what can we do about these problems in our communities, and would socialism be any better for our mental health? If these questions interest you at all, then show up to our second March liberation forum!

To extend the conversation, participate in a discussion to learn from, educate, and create with one another a vision for what mental healthcare under socialism could look like and how we can start fighting alienation, loneliness, and isolation by organizing and building community right now. The event will begin with two speeches, one on healthcare under socialism looking at past and current projects as well as towards future ones and the other on fighting alienation and other mental health problems currently in our communities.

After the speeches, the bulk of the event will be dedicated to envisioning together a system that would actually work for the mental health of the masses and how we can work to achieve it. This serves as an important opportunity for us to democratize our knowledge, pooling it together to take the first steps in working towards the interests of our collective mental health. All you need to bring is your own ideas and other people from your community, as we all have something to contribute and the potential to plan, organize, and act for a better future!
