Activist workshop: Get ready for the March for Choice!

Thursday, January 18
3:00 pm
Indianapolis Liberation Center
1800 N. Meridian St., Suite 305

If you’re counting down the days until the March for Choice and wishing there was another way to get involved, then come out on Thursday with PSL Indianapolis as we gear up for the weekend and prepare to struggle out in the streets. Get to know organizers behind the scenes while learning about the signs you’ll see at the action, how to make them, why we spend time doing so in the first place, and how and why to choose their content. Discuss the current abortion rights struggle here in Indianapolis, the ways that women across the world have struggled alongside us, and why it’s important that we continue fighting even when our legislators have given up.

The event will consist of a short workshop about placards and an assembly. Take-home reading materials about the fight for reproductive rights here and abroad will be provided, and volunteers are welcome to stay after assembly and chat.

No previous volunteer experience is needed, so if you’ve been looking for ways to join the movement but weren’t sure how, we hope you’ll stop by! This event is free to the public and parking is provided in the lot northwest of the building. The Indianapolis Liberation Center is funded exclusively through donations, so if you’d like to give back and help us continue our work, consider donating here!
