Protect each other: Next “Know Your Rights” workshop on housing and gentrification!

Wednesday, August 30 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Ujaama Community Bookstore
2424 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. St.

All organizations affiliated with the Indianapolis Liberation Center encourage their members and supporters to attend this important event!

The Indianapolis Liberation Center would like to encourage all of our supporters to attend the next “Know Your Rights” workshop presented by the National Lawyers Guild and Flanner Farms in collaboration with Ujaama Community Bookstore! Ujaama Community Bookstore will once again host the event.

Community turnout was fantastic at the previous event, where presenters covered the best ways to navigate encounters with law enforcement. The upcoming training will cover subjects such as housing, tenants’ rights, and gentrification. The scourges of landlords and developers continue to terrorize our communities. Learning about these issues and how to combat them will not completely mitigate them, but this knowledge will help us better support our community and ourselves.

We hope to see you there!
