Free class: Introduction to Marxism, 8/30

Tuesday, August 30
6:00 pm
Indianapolis Central Library
Room 406

Join us for the second free public class in our socialism course, “Introduction to Marxism!” Now that more and more people are interested in socialism, we need to deepen our study of socialism to strengthen the people’s movements of our day.

What is capitalism? Who makes up the working class? And how does socialism benefit the working class? Interested in the answers to these questions, then come to our Introduction to Marxism class. Find our for yourself why the capitalists don’t want you reading Marx!

No prior knowledge or reading required!

The PSL is united in our belief that capitalism—the system in which all wealth and power is held by a tiny group of billionaires and their state—is the source of the main problems confronting our world today. It must be replaced by socialism, a system where poor and working people have power and the wealth of society is used in a planned and sustainable way to meet the world’s needs.

If you’re interested in joining, apply here!
